Consequences of Lodging a Caveat Improperly

A recent VCAT decision of Victorian Legal Services Commissioner v Fatoum Souki a solicitor, handed down on 17 June 2022 highlights some of the pitfalls for lawyers who involve themselves in improperly lodging a caveat. In this case, the solicitor Ms Souki was acting...

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No Will? Who is Entitled to Claim your Estate?

What Happens If Someone Dies Without a Will? When a person dies in Victoria without leaving a valid Will, the estate of the deceased person is distributed according to the provisions of Part IA – Intestacy of the Administration and Probate Act 1958 (Act) “The Act”....

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Grounds for Lodging a Caveat in a Family Law Matter

What is a Caveat? A caveat is a document any person with a legal interest in a property can lodge with Land Use Victoria. After registration, a caveat note appears on the title giving prospective buyers notice that a third party might have rights over the property....

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