Co-Parenting After Divorce: Tips for Success

Co-Parenting After Divorce: Tips for Success A divorce is often a stressful and challenging experience for each person involved. There will usually be many matters requiring careful consideration, however when children are involved, the complexity and emotional strain...

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Exclusion Risk and Recrimination in Estate Planning

When a person decides to create a Will (a Testator) they are free to leave their property to whomever they choose. The Testator can also exclude specific people from being a beneficiary of their estate however, there are risks in excluding someone, especially if that...

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Break Ups and Divorce – Who Gets to Keep the Engagement Ring?

Deciding who is entitled to keep the engagement ring is not a discussion couples would ever anticipate having when they’re embarking on the next chapter together. However, when a relationship breaks down unexpectedly this can be quite a contentious topic particularly...

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Consequences of Lodging a Caveat Improperly

A recent VCAT decision of Victorian Legal Services Commissioner v Fatoum Souki a solicitor, handed down on 17 June 2022 highlights some of the pitfalls for lawyers who involve themselves in improperly lodging a caveat. In this case, the solicitor Ms Souki was acting...

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No Will? Who is Entitled to Claim your Estate?

What Happens If Someone Dies Without a Will? When a person dies in Victoria without leaving a valid Will, the estate of the deceased person is distributed according to the provisions of Part IA – Intestacy of the Administration and Probate Act 1958 (Act) “The Act”....

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Grounds for Lodging a Caveat in a Family Law Matter

What is a Caveat? A caveat is a document any person with a legal interest in a property can lodge with Land Use Victoria. After registration, a caveat note appears on the title giving prospective buyers notice that a third party might have rights over the property....

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The Cultural Impact of Depp v Heard

The defamation trial of divorced actors Johnny Depp and Amber Heard caught the attention of thousands of men and women around the world. The trial concluded on Wednesday 1st  June 2022 after six weeks of speculation, sensationalism, and outrageous headlines. Both...

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What is the Hague Convention?

The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is an international treaty between 101 countries that acknowledges the harm caused by International Parental Child Abduction (IPCA) and aims to provide a legal avenue for the speedy return of...

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